Leeuwenpoort postacademische opleiding voor kunst en wetenschap stopt.
Leeuwenpoort startte in 2023 als eerste postacademische kunstopleiding van de provincie Zeeland. Na een succesvolle eerste editie met drie artist in residence locaties in Zeeland, in samenwerking met verschillende kunstenaars, wetenschappers, musea, presentatie locaties en andere organisaties, is er helaas onvoldoende steun vanuit de provincie Zeeland om Leeuwenpoort verder door te ontwikkelen. Om die reden sluit Leeuwenpoort de poort per 1 juli 2024.
Leeuwenpoort postgraduate art and science program ends.
Leeuwenpoort started in 2023 as the first postgraduate art education in the province of Zeeland. After a successful first edition with three artist in residence locations in Zeeland, in cooperation with various artists, scientists, museums, presentation locations and other organizations, there is unfortunately insufficient support from the province of Zeeland to further develop Leeuwenpoort. For this reason, Leeuwenpoort will close its gate on July 1, 2024.

Video of the grand opening of Leeuwenpoort on March 9, 2023 by Anita Pijpelink deputy of the province of Zeeland.